Red at Sea

Red left behind everything she knew in Kansas City...and is venturing around the Mediterranean Sea on a cruise ship. Read about her adventures and personal experiences while aboard the Norwegian Jade.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

What am I here for?

So I’m back on the ship and it’s the first day in…only 119 left. Wow! What a goal! Get through the next 119 days.

My only saving grace is my parents. They’re cruising with me for my first cruise back onboard the Norwegian Jade. It’s nice because I get more passenger privileges with them here.

We flew into London for two days and one night prior to us joining the ship. On Friday the 13th (is this an omen?), we were taking the train from London to Southampton and I just got this awful feeling in my gut. I was really irritable and quiet. My parents asked…”what’s wrong with you?” I was like “nothing. I’m just not talking.” My mom really knows me and predicted that I was upset I was going back to the ship…because all I could talk about while I was home (nearly 5 weeks) was that this was my last contract on a cruise ship. I even updated my resume and have sent it out to a few prospective employers. I’m really looking forward to having a normal life again…REALLY!

Working on a cruise ship isn’t as glamorous as it seems…trust me…it takes a certain person crazy enough to work out here for 2 years (like me!) and there are people out here that have been doing it for 5…10…15+ years. I can’t even imagine! They must really be messed up…confused…though, some love it that there’s no responsibilities here…no cooking, cleaning, laundry, bills, etc. As for me, I’m ready to move on to the next chapter…at least I think. Though, the struggle I’m having now is that I can’t find or even conjure up a position that is as wild and adventurous as my current job. I’m worried that I’ll get into a job that will be so boring and repetitious…I’ll hate it!

What am I to do? If you have any suggestions…please e-mail me and let me know! I’m begging you. I’m even interested in continuing to travel, but not on a consistent basis. I think I’m ready for a little more stability. We’ll see how that works out.

Stay tuned for more stories on my “Red at Sea” adventures.